The cost of living in Jacksonville, Florida, is 6% lower than the state average and 6% lower than the national average. Housing in Jacksonville, Florida, is 6% cheaper than the U.S. average. In the U.S., while public services are about 5% more expensive.
Basic cost-of-living data come from the Economic and Community Research Council's Cost of Living Index (COLI). The collection of prices by city is carried out in strict accordance with standard specifications at specific times. While other resources provide basic cost comparisons, NerdWallet's cost-of-living calculator and the accompanying urban living tool go a step further by offering information on schools, quality of life and demographics, giving users a one-stop shop to explore new cities. One of the most important determinations to make before moving to a new city or town is how much it will cost you to live there. Because the price of goods and services varies from city to city, calculating the cost of living will determine how affordable it is to live in a given area.
Expenses that influence the cost of living can include housing affordability, transportation expenses, food prices, and entertainment costs. The cost of living is also linked to income, as wage levels in a geographical area are compared to these expenses. A cost-of-living index allows you to directly compare what it costs to live in one area with another, helping you understand how far your money can go in each place. For example, the cost of living in San Francisco is twice that of Boise, Idaho.
Whether you're using a cost-of-living index or a cost-of-living calculator, each one will help you feel more secure when deciding where to live. NerdWallet's cost-of-living calculator is based on data from the Economic and Community Research Council (C2ER). According to the council, “C2ER develops the cost of living index to provide a useful and reasonably accurate measure of differences in the cost of living between urban areas. The elements on which the index is based have been carefully chosen to reflect the different categories of consumer spending. Jacksonville is 132nd out of 273 U.S.
cities. United States in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in Jacksonville is 94.6% of the national average. The Housing Cost of Living Index estimates that the cost of housing in Jacksonville is 94.5% of the national average. A cost-of-living calculator helps you assess how much you'll need to earn to live comfortably in a specific city.
The My Florida Regional MLS Stellar MLS DBA considers the information to be reliable but does not guarantee its accuracy. It takes into account the various expenses you will make in your daily life (housing, food, utilities, transportation, entertainment, etc. The calculator will provide you with a breakdown of your monthly expenses on food, utilities, transportation, housing, health care, and other miscellaneous items) to help you determine your cost of living in Jacksonville. It is comprised of “nearly 100,000 data points collected mainly by C2ER members located in 400 cities”.
So plan to ensure that your net income meets your needs and wants, so you can live comfortably in Jacksonville, FL. The prices of goods and services vary in different cities and, therefore, having a cost-of-living index or calculator can make the decision to move easier by allowing you to directly compare one city to another. Understanding the expected costs in Jacksonville can help you determine if a given wage is a living wage. For example, if you know typical housing costs in Jacksonville, you can use simple, widely followed rules to determine if you can afford it with your salary.
According to the C2ER (the Council for Economic and Community Research), the cost of living in Jacksonville is estimated at 94.6% of the national average, making it an average American city.